What we do
Experimental Design
We will be with you from the beginning of your project . Good experimental design can save you time and money downstream in the analysis phase. We can help you to better design your experiments so you can make them more cost-effetive and get more informative results.
Data Analysis
Data-rich experiments require careful and rigorous treatment. We can help you go through all the step in data analysis, from quality control, data normalization , primary analysis and biological interpretation,using state-of-the-art tools.
Data Integration
Data rich experiments can be much more meaningful in the appropriate context. We can help you to integrate your experiment with other data sources in your lab or in public repositories, expanding your interpretations with a broader view of your results.
Data Communication
Interpreting complex data and information-rich experiment can be difficult. Effectively communicating its meaning can be even harder. We will help you to visualise complex data so it could be more easily grasp by you colleagues, generating manuscript ready figures and easy to use data portals
Who We ARE
We have been working in bioinformatics for more than 15 years and contributed to more than 50 publications, covering from bacterial genomes to cancer, from mutation analysis to transcription factors binding site prediction, from phylogenomics to gene expression analysis. We have developed bioinformatics tools, web servers and data portals. Let us know your ideas and we will put all this expertise to work for your project.